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book chapters
C. Fernandes, “Tra cappelle, palazzi e teatri: i percorsi professionali dei cantanti al servizio di Giovanni V e di Maria Anna d’Asburgo”, in G. Raggi e L. S. Carneiro (eds.), Filippo Juvarra, Domenico Scarlatti e il ruolo delle donne nella promozione dell’opera in Portogallo. Roma, Editoriale Artemide, 2021, pp. 157-180.
H. Sá, "Women students in the Real Academia de Amadores de Música of Lisbon: The violin class in the transition from the late 19th to the early 20th century" in H. Marinho, MR Pestana, MJ Artiaga, R. Penha (eds ), Hidden archives, hidden practices: debates about music-making. Aveiro: UA Editora, 2020.
C. Fernandes, “Portuguese Young Musicians under Royal Patronage in Rome and their Relations with the National Church: Some Pieces of the Puzzle,” in M. Berti, É. Corswaren, J. Morales (eds), Music and the Identity Process: The National Churches of Rome and their Networks in the Early Modern Period, "Musical Epitome", Turnhout, Brepols, 2019, pp. 389-394.
TM Hora, “Pioneering early music recordings in Portugal: the impact of producer Simões da Hora and engineer Hugo Ribeiro in the 'golden days' of Valentim de Carvalho", in N. Amendola, G. Sciommeri, A. Cosentino (eds.) , Music, individuals and contexts: dialectical interaction , Roma: Univresitalia/Società Editrice di Musicologia, 2019, pp. 275-286.
FM Jalôto, “Antonio Tedeschi, 'Sanctæ Patriarchalis Ecclesiæ Regius Cantor': an Italian musician on the court of John V”, in P. Diez del Corral (ed), Politics and the Arts in Lisbon and Rome. The Roman Dream of John V of Portugal, Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment, Liverpool University Press, 2019, pp. 163-186.
F. Esposito, "En dirección a la América del Sur: los pasos ibéricos de Sigismund Thalberg y la modernización de la actividad concertística del siglo XIX”, in J. M.López (ed), Músicas coloniales a debate. Procesos de intercambio euroamericanos, ICCMU - Música Hispana. Textos. Estudios, Número 22, Madrid, 2018, pp. 401-409.
C. Fernandes, “As últimas sonoridades do Absolutismo monárquico: a actividade musical na Patriarcal de Lisboa entre 1792 e 1834”, in thematic dossier "Music and royal power in Portugal in the 18th century: repertoires, interpretive practices and cultural transfers", in Portuguese Journal of Musicology, vol. 5, no. 2, 2018, pp. 253-298.
D. Vinagre, “João Baptista André Avondano: Um percurso formativo invulgar sob patrocínio real”, in thematic dossier "Music and royal power in Portugal in the 18th century: repertoires, interpretive practices and cultural transfers" (coord. Cristina Fernandes), in Portuguese Journal of Musicology, vol. 5, no. 2, 2018, pp. 203-227.
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